
Welcome! My name is Isaac and I am a freelance musician/composer living in Spokane, Washington. When I received my first pair of drum sticks at ten years old, music became a focal point. Now, after many drum sticks and years of guitar and piano practice, I write and record music for myself and for others each day.

As a kid, I spent countless hours playing video games. A couple of my favorite series being The Legend of Zelda and Animal Crossing. While I enjoyed the gameplay, the part that fascinated me most of all was the music. I would deliberately replay certain sections of a game that played music I liked, set the controller down, and just listen. Because of the constant immersion and attention paid to the music in these games, playing them inadvertently became one of my earliest musical experiences and left a lasting impression that shapes the music I write today. This is also what I cite as the influence that lead me to writing music for video.

When it came time for college, I chose to study film at Eastern Washington University to be amongst filmmakers and gain a better understanding of the filmmaking process. This allowed me the chance to work with many different directors, and in doing so I learned to adapt to many genres of film and music alike. More importantly I learned how judge a scene to figure out how to sonically enhance the desired mood or emotion. My experience in the film program is one of great value. It helped me develop exactly the skills and intuition that are needed to score visual projects.

Out of college, I worked with a local film studio on the soundtrack for an animated movie, currently still in production. At a fundraiser event in June of 2019, a few orchestral pieces I had written for the project were performed by a live orchestra. On top of that, I do freelance work with local filmmakers and collaborate with other musicians as well. I have a band called Mama Llama that is producing music and various other kinds of content to support our releases.

I love working with new directors to help bring their projects to life with music. Please feel free to contact me with any inquiries!